
Capacity Building Youth


Project website:



Following the benchmark of the Europe 2020 Strategy that envisages to reduce Early School Leaving (ESL) to averages under 10% across European countries, the Project “Edu-Action” aims to foster cooperation and exchange of experiences between organisations from different regions of the world that work in the field of children and youth. Misericórdia de Santarém had the privilege of being invited to participate in this transnational partnership, considering not only its activities related to service delivery (children and youth services with pedagogical models adequate to respond to children and youth’s needs, which complement other key educational actors’ roles and value the role of the School), but also its main duties and responsibilities at the county’s Social Network and strategic Boards for community development and child protection (namely the organisation’s representation at CLASS and CPCJ) as well as current project partnerships that are being undertaken in territories particularly vulnerable in terms of socioeconomic conditions (CLDS 3G and Oficina da Prevenção).


  • Per Esempio (Italy) – project coordinator
  • Fekete Sereg Ifjusagi Egyesulet (Hungary)
  • Future au Présent (Senegal)
  • Jeevanrekha Parishad (India)
  • Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santarém (Portugal)
  • Fundación Aprendizaje en Acción (Bolivia).

Main Project activities:

Among the set of activities that will be undertaken, it is highlighted the exchange of (two) youth workers from the partner organisations in order to promote experiences that facilitate reflection on strategies and methodologies of intervention perceived as suitable to respond to challenges concerning early school leaving, absenteeism and/or school failure, frequently related to contexts of poverty and/or social exclusion.

The exchange of youth workers is planned to occur between February and March 2017. The sharing of experiences emerging from the youth workers exchange will be essential for creating the final deliverable of the project: a manual of good practices, which will be available at an international level.

The two Portuguese youth workers will be welcomed by the partner organisations in Senegal and India and Misericórdia de Santarém will host a Senegalese and an Indian youth workers.

EDU-ACTION (project sumary) – ENG

SCMS tackling ESL – ENG